Search Tools in Slavery in America and the World
This Knowledge Base article provides helpful information on all the search tools in Slavery in America and the World. This database is unique because of the meticulous development and organization
This Knowledge Base article provides helpful information on all the search tools in Slavery in America and the World. This database is unique because of the meticulous development and organization
We have partnered with Courtroom Insight to enhance author profiles, and bring even more analytic information to the table. With this integration, mutual customers have access to a rich and
The HeinOnline interface provides several tools related to citations. This article will demonstrate how to use citations to locate documents and cases, find referenced material within a document, cite a
Committee reports are considered to be one of the most important documents of legislative history research. These reports are produced by the House and Senate committees that address legislative and
Whether you’re trialing or subscribed to a single HeinOnline database or a package of several databases, don’t forget to add each individual resource to your A-Z database listing for increased
Every HeinOnline LibGuide is configured for community use. Use the entire guide as-is or choose certain assets to copy into your own existing guides to share with your patrons. See
Users can easily retrieve specific titles, parts, and sections from within the CFR with our Quick Locator tools found on the database homepage. This Knowledge Base will show how to use
HeinOnline is a KBART-endorsed vendor. Each HeinOnline database includes unique URLs to download title listings in KBART format (.csv & .txt). KBART standards help to ensure the integrity and functionality
When browsing through scholarly journals and secondary sources in HeinOnline, it’s imperative to know how authoritative a source is for your research. ScholarCheck analyzes citation data to provide the most-cited
To locate the Australian Guide to Legal Citations let’s begin by constructing a search in the Law Journal Library. Browse by Country and choose Australia from the list of countries. Next, search across all the