What are the definitions of the content section types in HeinOnline?
Section types are based on how they are labeled on a table of contents from the publication. For example, if something is labeled an article, note, or a comment in
Section types are based on how they are labeled on a table of contents from the publication. For example, if something is labeled an article, note, or a comment in
Yes, the URLs in HeinOnline are persistent/durable.
Cassidy Cataloguing is the official cataloger for HeinOnline. Cassidy Cataloguing offers high-quality MARC21 catalog records for HeinOnline’s core subscription packages and all HeinOnline a-la-carte libraries. All cataloging records will be
In order to construct a link that will direct a user to a specific citation or article in HeinOnline using an open URL resolver, use the following format: CitationNavigator?volume=VOLUME_NUMBER&page=PAGE_NUMBER&title=TITLE_SHORTNAME For
We provide the metadata for and allow Google Scholar to crawl the content from HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library. The HeinOnline Law Journal Library is comprised of articles, notes, comments, reviews,
HeinOnline has always offered comprehensive search results. Results will never max out, regardless of the search parameters. For example, the incredibly broad search law from within the Law Journal Library produces millions
HeinOnline has long been known as the most comprehensive source of law and law-related journals, but it’s much more than the best place to find articles. HeinOnline also contains comprehensive coverage
HeinOnline’s image toolbar allows users to perform a variety of functions inside any HeinOnline document. Within the image toolbar, users can print or download a document, search across the text,
This short tutorial explains how to navigate among HeinOnline’s databases, also known as collections, and how to perform basic searches.
HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides more than 200 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. Composed of fully