Have you ever come across a journal volume that had an “Indexing Only” flag on it, and wondered when you’ll be able to read the full text of that particular volume in HeinOnline? The answer is closer than you might think. Next to every active serial publication in HeinOnline you’ll find this iconcalled the “More Information” link. This link contains publication information about a specific title.
For example, volumes 43-46 of Advocates’ Quarterly is listed as “Indexing Only,” which means you can view the Table of Contents for a list of the articles that are in that volume, but the full text will be unavailable until the embargo period has passed.

To find out when you’ll be able to view the full text of the volume, click on the (More Information link) to view the embargo period.

From here, you can see that the embargo is 3 years. Embargoes are placed on journals by the publishers, and generally range from one to five volumes, although there are exceptions. Most embargoes are temporary, but some are permanent, and this will be noted on the More Information page.
Other information accessible from this page includes the name of the publisher and a link to its website, the ISSN, frequency and a description of the topics the journal covers.