HeinOnline includes extensive case law coverage. Explore an array of U.S. state and federal case law, as well as select international case archives.
Database Options
- Canada Supreme Court Reports: The official bilingual Supreme Court Reports of Canada, addressing nearly 10,000 cases and including background information, statutes and regulations, and more.
- Early American Case Law: A robust collection containing coverage of historical cases from the late 1700s through the 1920s and spanning nearly 2 million pages.
- English Reports: Exact page images of the original bound reprint edition of The English Reports, along with the Statutes of the Realm (1235-1713), and pre-1865 law reports.
- Fastcase: The full text of state and federal case law, with inline hyperlinking, negative treatment indicators, citation lookup tools, and more.
- Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases: Comprehensive expert analysis of all cases granted certiorari before the Supreme Court prior to the arguments.
- U.S. Supreme Court Library: Complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports, providing access to all U.S. Supreme Court cases, as well as slip opinions and preliminary prints.
Finding Cases in HeinOnline
One-Box Search
Using the one-box search top of any page in HeinOnline, enter a case citation and use the Citation option from the drop-down menu.

Additionally, citations on pages throughout HeinOnline are highlighted in blue. Clicking these citations will retrieve the document associated with the cite, whether it’s a case, article, or external website.

Advanced Search
In the U.S. Supreme Court Library and Fastcase database users can search by Case Name within the Advanced Search option.

Refining Your Search
If searching from the HeinOnline Welcome Page, you can limit results to include only cases using the Section Type facet.

Case Law Tools
Hein’s ScholarCheck tool is integrated with HeinOnline’s Fastcase Premium. ScholarCheck enables users to link among related documents and to view articles and cases which cite other articles and cases. It also counts the number of times articles and U.S. Supreme Court cases are accessed by other HeinOnline. Look for ScholarCheck information in search results or within documents. Cited-by information for articles and cases are hyperlinks which link to the list of articles and cases citing each document.
What’s’ more, Fastcase’s Bad Law Bot helps researchers determine when negative treatment is posted to a case. Look for red flags in search results and within Fastcase documents. This flag is an indicator that the case has potentially been overturned or overruled by a subsequent case. Also available are links to the list of cases which have posted negative treatment to a current case.