Within the Account Management tab in your Electronic GreenSlips account, you’ll find a section called Notification Areas, which highlights the three different types of notifications available:
- Types of Books
- Subjects
- Jurisdictions of Interest

There are a variety of selections you can choose from for each category:
Audience Classification – Paralegal | Audience Classification – Popular work | Audience Classification – Student |
Bibliography | Biography | Casebook |
Collection of Essays | Continuations / Looseleaf | Dictionary |
Encyclopedia | Legislative History | Monographs |
Online Database | Periodicals / Continuations | Proceedings of Conference / Institute |
Reference Work | Reprint | Serials |
Study Aids | Textbook | Treatise |
Yearbook |
Accounting | Administrative law | Admiralty and maritime law |
Air and space law | Animal law | Arts and entertainment |
Banking and commercial law | Bankruptcy law | Biography |
Business enterprises | Civil law | Civil rights and discrimination |
Communications law | Comparative and foreign law | Conflict of laws |
Constitutional law, generally | Contracts | Courts |
Criminal law and procedure | Dispute resolution | Domestic relations |
Economics | Education law | Elder law |
Environmental law | Estates and trusts | Evidence |
First Amendment | Health law and medical jurisprudence | Housing law |
Human rights law | Immigration law | Insurance law |
Intellectual property law | International law | International organizations |
International trade | Judges | Jurisdiction |
Jurisprudence | Labor law | Land use planning |
Law | Law and society | Law of the sea |
Legal education | Legal history | Legal miscellany |
Legal profession | Legal research and writing | Legislation |
Librarianship | Military, war and peace | National security |
Native and indigenous people | Natural resources law | Politics |
Practice and procedure | President/executive department | Professional ethics |
Property–personal and real | Psychology and psychiatry | Regulated industries |
Religion | Roman law | Science and technology |
Second Amendment | Sexuality and the law | Social welfare |
Sports | State and local government law | Taxation |
Torts | Trade regulation | Transportation law |
Trials | Water law | Women |
Jurisdiction of Interest
ACP countries | Afghanistan | Africa |
Alabama | Alaska | Albania |
Algeria | American Samoa | Americas |
Andes | Anglophone countries | Antarctica |
Arab countries | Arabian Gulf | Arctic regions |
Argentina | Arizona | Arkansas |
Armenia | Asia | Asia Pacific |
Atoll Island States | Australasia | Australia |
Australia – | Austria | Azerbaijan |
Bahamas | Balkans | Baltic States |
Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus |
Belgium | Benelux countries | Bermuda |
Bhutan | Bolivia | Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Botswana | Brazil | British Columbia |
British Virgin Islands | British West Indies | Brunei |
Bulgaria | Burma | Burundi |
California | Cambodia | Cameroon |
Canada | Cape Verde | Caribbean |
Catalonia | Catalonia | Catalonia |
Cayman Islands | Central America | Central Asia |
Central Europe | Chad | Chechnya |
Chile | China | Colombia |
Colorado | Commonwealth countries | Congo, Democratic Republic |
Connecticut | Costa Rica | Cote d’Ivoire |
Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus |
Czech Republic | Czechoslovakia | Delaware |
Denmark | District of Columbia | East Africa |
East Asia | East Germany | East Timor |
Eastern Europe | Ecuador | Egypt |
El Salvador | England | Eritrea |
Estonia | Ethiopia | Eurasia |
Europe | European Union | Falkland Islands |
Faroe Islands | Finland | Florida |
France | Georgia | Germany |
Ghana | Global South | Great Britain |
Greece | Greenland | Guam (US territory) |
Guatemala | Haiti | Hawaii |
Holland | Hong Kong | Hungary |
Iberian Peninsula | Iceland | Idaho |
Illinois | India | Indiana |
Indo-Pacific | Indonesia | Iowa |
Iran | Iraq | Ireland |
Israel | Italy | Jamaica |
Japan | Jerusalem | Jordan |
Kansas | Kazakhstan | Kentucky |
Kenya | Korea | Kosovo |
Kuwait | Kyrgystan | Laos |
Latin America | Latvia | Lebanon |
Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Louisiana | Luxembourg |
Macau | Macedonia | Maine |
Malaysia | Maldives | Malta |
Martinique | Maryland | Massachusetts |
Mauritius | Mediterranean | Mexico |
Michigan | Middle East | Minnesota |
Mississippi | Missouri | Moldova |
Montana | Morocco | Mozambique |
Mumbai | Myanmar | Namibia |
Nebraska | Nepal | Netherlands |
Nevada | New England | New Hampshire |
New Jersey | New Mexico | New South Wales |
New York | New Zealand | Nicaragua |
Nigeria | North Africa | North America |
North Carolina | North Dakota | North Korea |
Northern Ireland | Norway | Nova Scotia |
Oceania | Ohio | Oklahoma |
Oman | Oregon | Pacific |
Pakistan | Palestine | Panama |
Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Pennsylvania |
Persian Gulf | Peru | Philippines |
Poland | Polar regions | Portugal |
Puerto Rico | Qatar | Republic of Georgia |
Rhode Island | Romania | Rome |
Russia | Rwanda | Saint-Domingue |
Saudi Arabia | Scandinavia | Scotland |
Serbia | Sierra Leone | Singapore |
Slovak Republic | Slovakia | Slovenia |
Solomon Islands | Somalia | South Africa |
South America | South Asia | South Carolina |
South Dakota | South East Asia | South Korea |
South Pacific | South Sudan | South Sudan |
Southern Africa | Southern Europe | Soviet Union |
Spain | Sri Lanka | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Sudan | Sweden | Switzerland |
Syria | Taiwan | Tajikistan |
Tanzania | Tennessee | Texas |
Thailand | The Caucasus | Timor-Leste |
Tonga | Trinidad and Tobago | Tunisia |
Turkey | Turkmenistan | Uganda |
Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom |
United States | Uruguay | Utah |
Uzbekistan | Vatican City | Venezuela |
Venice | Vermont | Vietnam |
Virginia | Wales | Washington |
West Africa | West Indies | West Indies |
West Virginia | Western Europe | Western Sahara |
Wisconsin | Wyoming | Yemen |
Yugoslavia | Zambia | Zimbabwe |
To make your selections, click “Change Selections.” You will then see a window pop up where you can check and uncheck options:
