Hein’s ScholarCheck is a series of tools and features integrated throughout various HeinOnline libraries that allow you to view journal articles and cases* that have a heavy influence on the subject you are researching. It allows you to:

- Analyze the most cited journals, articles, authors and more
- Analyze articles most cited by other articles, most cited by cases, and most accessed during a rolling 12-month period
- Sort search results by number of times cited by articles, number of times cited by cases, and number of times accessed by HeinOnline users in a rolling 12-month period
- Link directly to cited material that is available in HeinOnline
- View author rankings in several categories:
- Number of times cited by other articles in HeinOnline
- Number of times cited by cases
- Number of times accessed by other HeinOnline users within a rolling 12-month period
- Number of times cited by articles in HeinOnline that were written in the past 10 years
Video Tutorial
Learn how to use ScholarCheck in this short video.
What does Hein’s ScholarCheck do?
- Links users to articles or cases* that cite the article (or case) currently being viewed
- Indicates in your results how many articles cite that article (or case), how many cases cite the article (or case), and how many time an article (or case) has been accessed within a rolling 12-month period
- Allows users to sort search results by the number of times an article is cited by either article or cases, or by the number of times accessed
- Includes inline hyperlinking for cases or documents in HeinOnline and case law provided through Fastcase integration
- Allows users to view and analyze author metrics within Author Profile Pages
*Case features available with Fastcase Premium subscription.
For a complete overview of ScholarCheck, check out our dedicated LibGuide.