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More Like This in HeinOnline

More Like This uses a program which finds “interesting words” in an article, as determined by an algorithm that analyzes the article’s text. The tool then provides a list of similar articles, based on the interested words found in the original article.

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For example, let’s take a look at this article in HeinOnline: Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color. Select the More Like This button from within this article.

image of More Like This button in HeinOnline

From the following page, users can review the list of similar articles. Adjust the boost factor on the interesting words, enter new terms, or add a date range to change the scope of the results.

image of More Like This results

This tool compares all articles in HeinOnline and ranks them in order based on which articles’ interesting words are most similar to the first article. Results include the top 50 most relevant articles available in HeinOnline.

Click Subjects to see a list of article subject designations applied to the article based on similar articles which are already categorized. Click Entities to see a list of locations, people, and organizations mentioned in the article.

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