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How to Use Citations in HeinOnline

The HeinOnline interface provides several tools related to citations. This article will demonstrate how to use citations to locate documents and cases, find referenced material within a document, cite a specific document in multiple formats, and export those citations to various platforms.

Video Tutorial

This video will demonstrate how to use citations to locate documents and cases, find referenced material within a document, cite a specific document in multiple formats, and export those citations to various platforms.

Locating Documents and Cases

The Citation Search Option

If you’re looking for a specific document or case and only have its citation to work with, you can easily retrieve the material by performing a citation search. Enter the citation into the main search bar that appears at the top of the page anywhere in HeinOnline. Choose the citation option that appears, and click the search button.

image of how to use citations in HeinOnline

This brings users directly to the document or case in question.

image of case in HeinOnline

The Citation Format Guide

This feature works best when the proper citation format is entered. If you’re unsure of the correct format to enter, reference the Citation Format Guide. It can be found within the Advanced Search option on the Welcome Page or within any HeinOnline database.

Image of Advanced Search in HeinOnline
image of Citation Format Guide in Law Journal Library

For cases where a title has multiple citation formats, you’ll see each of them listed in the guide.

image of multiple citation formats in HeinOnline

Use this guide to generate a citation for you. Click on the title or citation and simply enter the relevant volume and page numbers.

image of citation tool

The General Citation Navigator

In addition to the free-field citation lookup available with the main search bar, users will find guided document and case citation navigators at the bottom of the Advanced Search option on the HeinOnline Welcome Page.

In the search box, simply type in your document or case citation. A handy autofill feature will appear to guide and complete your entered citation.

image of autofill in HeinOnline's Advanced search

With the Fastcase Case Lookup tool located just below, you can also enter the volume number, abbreviation, and page number of a specific case to retrieve it within seconds.

image of Fastcase Lookup tool in HeinOnline

Database-Specific Citation Navigators

Within various HeinOnline databases, you will find a database-specific citation navigator to help you search that database’s specific content type. If a database has a citation navigator, you’ll find it hyperlinked under the main search bar or within that database’s Advanced Search option. The example below is from the Federal Register Library.

image of Citation Navigator in Federal Register Library

Finding Referenced Citations

Citations within a Document

When browsing HeinOnline material, users will find that citations referenced in a document have automatically been linked for easy navigation. If the citation for the referenced document exists in HeinOnline, it will be highlighted in blue within the document.

image of hyperlinked citations in HeinOnline

Click the blue highlighted text to pull up the referenced material, whether it be an article, case, or government document.

Generating and Exporting Citations

The Cite Button

Once you’ve found a source in HeinOnline, you’ll of course want to cite it for future reference. Generating a citation for a source is easy, as HeinOnline has made pre-generated citations available in multiple formats for every document found within the interface. To view them, simply click on the Cite button above the table of contents in any document.

image of Cite button in HeinOnline

This tool provides the document’s citation in various formats, including Bluebook, ALWD, APA, Chicago, McGill Guide, AGLC, MLA, and OSCOLA.

When using the tool to locate a journal citation, users will see that they have the ability to export their citations to multiple platforms, including Refworks, Endnote, and NoodleTools.

image of export options in Law Journal Library

Citations in MyHein

Looking to export multiple journal citations at once? First, make sure you’ve saved the desired journal articles to your MyHein account.

image of where to locate MyHein in HeinOnline

Then, from within your MyHein portal, select the articles you’d like to export. Within the dropdown, choose to export these journal articles to Refworks, Endnote, BibTex, or Zotero (as an RIS file).

export options in MyHein

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