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The Congressional Record Daily to Bound Locator can be found on the main page to the U.S. Congressional Documents database.

This tool allows you to quickly locate a page from the Congressional Record Daily within the Bound Volume or vice versa. NOTE: This tool does not provide coverage for all volumes. Please refer to the coverage information listed in the heading for detailed dates.
- Select a date: Results will include a citation for the Daily and Bound Volumes broken out by section (House, Senate, Extension of Remarks, Daily Digest) for the chosen date.
- Enter citation: Enter a Congressional Record Daily citation and the results will return the corresponding citation for that page from the Congressional Record Bound.
The above two options allow you to conduct a simple word or phrase search from within a selected section, which compares the results found in the Daily Volume to the Bound Volume.
- Browse a month and year: Results are in a table format which displays the citation to each section of the Daily and Bound volumes for each day of the chosen month.