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Courtroom Insight in Author Profile Pages

We have partnered with Courtroom Insight to enhance author profiles, and bring even more analytic information to the table. With this integration, mutual customers have access to a rich and comprehensive platform that includes expert witness profiles carefully organized into logical and intuitive categories of expertise.

About Courtroom Insight

Courtroom Insight is a customized knowledge management solution that enables law firms and other legal organizations to capture, share, and analyze critical information about expert witnesses, arbitrators, judges, and attorneys.

Expert Witness Directory

Courtroom Insight’s expert witness directory contains more than 476,000 profiles, including testifying experts and forensic consultants in every discipline imaginable. These directories can be enhanced to feature professional biographies, performance evaluations, and relevant judicial opinions about expert witness testimony. What’s more, users can access critical information about published and unpublished legal challenges to expert testimony.

With more than 476,000 expert witness profiles, attorneys, insurance professions, and other legal service provides use Courtroom Insight on a daily basis to manage their expert witness needs. Its powerful search engine captures important keywords and testimonial experience from expert biographies and uploaded CVs to assist with targeted expert recommendations.

The profiles are organized into the following categories of expertise:

  • Academic Discipline: specialty achieved through focused academic studies; often requiring a specific educational degree or professional license.
  • Industry Expert: general knowledge of a particular industry as a whole, including market comparisons/trends, industry standards and practices; expertise often achieved through professional experience rather than academic study
  • Forensic Service: individuals who are trained in the use of scientific tools and techniques to assist in fact gathering and trial preparation purposes.

Integration with HeinOnline

More than 6,300 HeinOnline authors have been identified as expert witnesses from Courtroom Insight. These authors’ pages now include the Courtroom Insight logo directly on their author profile page. See an example below.

image of an author profile page in HeinOnline

Click the logo to be directed to an authenticated version of Courtroom Insight’s platform, which provides the author’s resume/CV, biography, and discipline. If users wish to receive access to additional Courtroom Insight features, a paid option is available to upgrade their access to include reviews, challenges, judicial opinions, and more. Mutual customers can simply log in with their credentials to see more content.

image of Courtroom Insight platform

Similarly, if an expert witness is an author in HeinOnline, Courtroom Insight will include a list of the author’s HeinOnline articles. If the user is a customer of both platforms, clicking the link will direct them to HeinOnline’s interface. However, if the user is not a subscriber to HeinOnline, short-term subscription options will be available.

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