Author Profile Pages are an excellent way to showcase, promote, and contextualize the scholarly work of individual authors throughout HeinOnline. When any author is identified and attributed to a HeinOnline work, an Author Profile Page is automatically created for that individual. The page displays a list of that author’s works as well as their ScholarRank statistics—their scholarly impact ranking, based on a number of factors and relative to other authors in HeinOnline.
Check out our author profile pages in the Law Journal Library.
Video Tutorial
Learn how to use Author Profile Pages to discover authors, browse their works, analyze statistics, see contextual information, set up author alerts, and more.
How to Access
To access the profile page for a particular author, use the Author option to search from one-box search either from the HeinOnline welcome page, or from within the Law Journal Library.

From the search results, select the author’s name.

This will link users to their author’s profile page.

How to Enhance Your Author Profile Page
If you are an author and would like to enhance your basic profile page, fill out this form. The automatically generated page will list your name and articles, the number of times your articles have been cited by other articles and cases, and the number of times your articles have been accessed by other HeinOnline users within a rolling 12-month period. Add a photo your gender, biographical information, your university/affiliation, and links to your web page and social media accounts. Once your page has been enhanced, you can easily share it with colleagues using these options:

Author Alerts
Users are also able to receive email alerts when works by authors of their choice are accessed by other HeinOnline researchers.
From the author’s profile page, select the bell icon.

The following alerts are available:
- New Content Alerts: Receive notifications when new material for this author is added to HeinOnline
- Article Citation Alerts: Receive notifications when new articles in HeinOnline cite this author’s articles
- Case Law Citation Alerts: Receive notifications when new cases in HeinOnline cite this author’s articles
- Accessed Alerts: Receive notifications when articles are accessed on HeinOnline each month
- Similar Article Alerts: Receive notifications when similar articles are published on this author’s works
Simply select the alert(s) you are interested in, and add your email address.
You will receive a notification via e-mail that these alerts have been set up:

You will then be notified via e-mail depending on the alert(s) you signed up for.
Hein’s ScholarCheck is a series of tools and features integrated throughout various HeinOnline libraries that allow you to view journal articles and cases* that have a heavy influence on the subject you are researching. Each author was ranked in the categories of the number of times cited by articles, the number of times cited by cases, and the number of times accessed by HeinOnline users during the past 12 months. We have also compiled a list of ScholarRank’s Top 250 Authors based on an analysis of all articles in HeinOnline. The rankings in each category were then averaged to produce the list of authors that scored the highest when averaging all categories.
Another advantage of Author Profile Pages is the ability to download a CSV of ScholarCheck metrics for an entire institution’s enhanced author profiles. This feature was released in November 2017. To utilize this feature, enter the Law Journal Library and Browse by Author Profiles.

Click on the institution’s name for the list of authors who have enhanced their author profile, as well as a link to download a CSV of ScholarCheck metrics for all of the enhanced profiles from the institution. This feature enables users to easily share the link with colleagues.
For example, select Columbia University Law School.

A CSV is automatically downloaded when the user clicks on the link. All of the authors’ information is pulled into the CSV, where a user can sort/filter the information by any individual metric or by overall ScholarCheck rank. See an example of a CSV file below.