Users can explore Welsh Legal History Society publications, including essays and monographs covering a variety of periods and subjects. Explore the rich history of law in Wales with the Welsh Legal History Society publication found within the Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law database.

About the Welsh Legal History Society
The Welsh Legal History Society was founded in 1999, its inaugural lecture being delivered by Professor David Ibbetson in May of that year and the official launch being held at Cardiff in May 2000. Its first volume was published in 2001 and celebrated the foundation of the society by publishing the first collection of its proceedings. Six of the eight papers contained in the volume are based on lectures delivered to the Society by members at the three meetings held during the first fifteen months of the Society’s existence. These include the inaugural lecture at Cardiff in May 1999.
The Society exists to spread knowledge of, and promote research into, the rich history of law in Wales. That history extends from a fascinating medieval indigenous legal system to the specific (sometimes surprising) application of law within Wales in more modern times.
They have published a series of works featuring scholarly editions, collections of essays, and monographs across a variety of periods and subjects. The work of lawyers and commentators with Welsh connections is also addressed by the Society. Its historical interests cover both the doctrinal history of the law and the contextual study of the law in the society in which it operates.