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Using Syntax and Field Searching with One-Box Search

General Rules

* The query will search across both the full text and metadata of all HeinOnline documents, unless you otherwise specify a field such as “author”
* The query will look across all years available, unless a year/year range is otherwise specified
* Use quotes to form a phrase, “Right to Privacy” instead of Right to Privacy
* Use capitalized Boolean operators to combine search terms, for example: “intellectual property” AND “international law”

Word Search:

To search for a word across the full text of a collection, simply enter the word into the search box.

Example: graffiti

screenshot of word search

Phrase Search

To narrow our above query, let’s expand our term to a phrase, graffiti artist, and enclose it in quotations.

Example: “graffiti artist”

screenshot of phrase search

Title Search

If we want to find articles that contain the term “graffiti” in the title, then we must specify the syntax using the Just search for option.

Example: title:(graffiti)

screenshot of title search using syntax

Author Search

To search for an author, specify the syntax using the Just search for option.

Example: author:(Rob White)

screenshot of author search using syntax

Combined Search Terms (Multiple Fields)

Use Boolean operators to combine two search terms using the Just search for option.

Example: author:(Rob White) AND title:(graffiti)

screenshot of combined search terms with syntax

Citation Search

To search for a citation, specify the syntax using the Just search for option.

Example: citation:(4 Harv. L. Rev. 193)

screenshot of citation search with syntax

Date Range

To search by date, specify the syntax using the Just search for option.

Example: author:(David A. Hoffman) AND date:2009

screenshot of date range search with syntax

Check out this Knowledge Base article for more advanced search options: https://help.heinonline.org/kb/advanced-search-syntax/

NOTE: Catalog searches can only be run using the drop-down menu from the one-box search. They also cannot be combined with any other syntax.

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