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State Constitutions Illustrated

HeinOnline’s State Constitutions Illustrated is a collection of the constitutions of the 50 states of the United States, together with related documents and resources. It currently has over 11,000 historical and current constitutions and constitutional documents, but if that isn’t enough to satiate your state constitution research needs, don’t worry—we’re adding more!

Much like its sister database, World Constitutions Illustrated, State Constitutions Illustrated features:

  • The original text of a constitution, accompanied by the consolidated texts over the life of that particular constitution, up to and including its final text are included.
  • The most current constitution will be updated each time it is amended.
  • Reproductions of multiple editions of a particular constitution are provided.

Unique features to this database include:

  • Map browse-by feature.
  • Coverage of constitutional material for all 50 states from inception to the elections on November 7, 2023.
  • Constitutional materials from pre-statehood, including colonial charters, laws, and royal instructions for the original thirteen colonies; treaties, territorial laws, and federal acts for all other states.
  • Inclusion of the text of a constitution as published in that state’s session laws.

This database will continue to grow as we add Indigenous treaties and related documents, Civil War-related documents, and memorials and related documents sent by representatives and private persons of the territories to the federal government.

For more information on this database and for searching tips and tricks, read the State Constitutions Illustrated LibGuide.

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