When searching for a United Nations Treaty, click on Search for a Treaty within the Finding Aids of the United Nations Law Collection.

Follow these examples for different ways to search for a United Nations Treaty.
Treaty Registration Number
For this option, users can enter the treaty number using the numerical digits only.
Example: I. No. 970 would be entered as “970”

Country Name
Search for a treaty by Country Name by entering the full country name into the search box.
Example: Australia

Multilateral Parties
Search by the multilateral parties involved in a treaty.
Example: Argentina

Short Title
Search across the short title of the treaty using keywords.
Example: “Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces”

Popular Name
Search for a treaty by the popular name.
Example: “Geneva Conventions”

Treaty Description
Search for a treaty using keywords from the treaty description.
Example: “Condition of the wounded and sick”

Annex Description
Search across the Annex Description using keywords.
Example: “Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference”

Signature Place
Search by the place that the treaty was signed.
Example: Geneva

Signature, In Force, Previous Signature, or Post Signature Date
Search for a treaty by date using the following format: MM/DD/YY
Example: 08/12/49

Kavass Subject
All UN Treaties in HeinOnline has been assigned a Kavass Subject, thus allowing you to search by subject.
Example: “Arms Control”

UNTS Citation
Search for a treaty by the UNTS citation.
Example: 75 UNTS 31

Volume Date
Search for a treaty by the UNTS volume date that the treaty was published in.
Example: Search for all treaties published in the UNTS in 1950.

Search for a word or phrase among the full text of the treaty or treaties.
Example: “Red Cross”