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Search by Rollcall Vote in U.S. Congressional Documents

Interested to know how your representative voted on an issue? Discover how to search the U.S. Congressional Documents database by rollcall vote.

How to Search by Rollcall Vote Video Tutorial

How to Search by Rollcall Vote Walkthrough

Enter “Rollcall Vote No. ###” into the search box; always include punctuation in the “No.”. Search in a “text” field.  You can also search for other references to rollcall votes by entering Rollcall Vote ### (without “No.”); or Roll No. ###.

Example: “rollcall vote no. 149”

Advanced search for rollcall in the U.S. Congressional Documents database

You can also the One-Box search bar at the top of the page. For this type of searching, you would type “rollcall vote no. 149” and select the Just search for option.

One-box search for rollcall in the U.S. Congressional Documents database

From the results page, you will see rollcall vote No. 149 showing in bold matching text.

screenshot of matching text shown in HeinOnline search results

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