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Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies

Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies by Louis W. (Bill) Bookheim is a unique resource containing the most current and extensive listing of publications created by presidential advisory bodies.

United States presidents have historically created such advisory groups—also called committees, commissions, boards, blue ribbon panels, or task forces—to advise them on particular problems or issues. In the past, these commissions have explained catastrophes such as the Gulf oil spill, Challenger Space Shuttle accident, Pearl Harbor, the AIDS epidemic, and more. Presidential commission reports help determine administrative and political priorities of various administrations, as well as provide information on the development of contemporary laws and legislative history.

Both the print and online versions of Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies are indexed by commission/advisory body name, report title, report subject, and presidential administration. Whenever possible, links to the full text of reports are provided. Citations to published government documents and OCLC numbers are provided for publications when applicable.

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