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Multinational Sources Compared

A unique finding aid designed to direct researchers to sources that compare multiple jurisdictions on focused subjects is available in both print and database formats, exclusively in HeinOnline.

Multinational Sources Compared: A Subject and Jurisdiction Index 2nd edition, by Alena L. Wolotira and Sherry L. Leysen is an impressive collection of detailed bibliographic records and is based on Professor Jon Schultz’s Statutes Compared: A U.S., Canadian, Multinational Research Guide to Statutes by Subject (2nd edition, 2001) and Multinational Statutes Compared: A Research Guide to Statutes by Subject (2003). These publications gave extensive reviews of each selected resource in order to give researchers an idea of what the resource contained before trying to obtain it.

Multinational Sources Compared book cover

Expanded subject list

Since much has changed in legal publishing since 2003, the scope and nature of the content contained in Multinational Sources Compared: A Subject and Jurisdiction Index necessitated the change to its current title. Both the print and electronic versions contain full-text legislation, statutory citations, or other references to primary law. Subjects new to this product include Animal Law, Corporate Immigration, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, and many more.

To create this one-of-a-kind resource, the authors consulted English-language legal information publishers and sifted through their product offerings. They checked tables of contents and publishers’ product descriptions and also reviewed titles that were in print to compile each resource’s jurisdiction list.

New to the Second Edition

The new second edition continues to consult English-language legal information publishers and sift through their product offerings, adding publishers to the review list along the way. Many legacy titles are still updated and maintained, while others remain accessible to researchers in certain formats but are no longer updated. Additionally, “global guides” are moving away from offering a traditional bound volume, to a flexible practitioner-written “Q&A guide” format. Also, this edition incorporates comparative monographs, which typically feature a collection of jurisdictional essays written on a specific and focused topic.

Other updates are designed to make the work easier to use. For example, while the first edition began the author/editor field with the first author or editor’s last name, the author/editor field in the second edition has been changed to conform with Rule 15 of The Bluebook (21st ed. 2021). In addition, this edition includes conforming the different types of monographs or supplements to the descriptor “bound volume,” and making the list of format types more consistent.

Companion database

The database component of this title, which will be updated three times annually, is simple and convenient to use. The database homepage features an introduction and the option to browse the content by title, publisher, subject, or jurisdiction; the predecessor print editions by Jon Schultz are also available in HeinOnline’s image-based PDF format. Search fields provide the ability to search database records by text, title, publisher, jurisdiction, and more. The main search bar, located at the top of the page, can be used to search all print and database content simultaneously:

screenshot of Multinational Sources Compared database homepage

For example, click the Jurisdiction browse option to view an A-Z index of covered jurisdictions. Click any jurisdiction for a list of applicable bibliographic records:

Search for text, subjects, jurisdictions, and more using the search fields on the database homepage:

screenshot of search in Multinational Sources Compared search fields

Click any title’s link from the search results to view an in-depth bibliographic record:

screenshot of bibliographic record

Access Predecessor Print Editions

As noted above, Multinational Sources Compared: A Subject and Jurisdiction Index is based on two prior print publications. Both are available within the database, along with the PDF of the print version of the current title:

screenshot of Multinational Sources Compared homepage highlighting Print Editions option

Table of Contents