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Law Academy Project

The Law Academy Project is available to all subscribers of our Legal Classics database. It may be accessed as a subcollection within the Legal Classics database and is also located alphabetically on the Welcome page upon logging in to HeinOnline. It is a comprehensive collection of works exploring the history of the Law Academy of Philadelphia, compiled by editor Dr. Joel Fishman.

screenshot of Law Academy Project database homepage

The Law Academy Project aims to explore the Academy’s history from its beginnings to the mid-twentieth century. Within the database, users will find biographies of the Academy’s leading officers; course pamphlets; annual addresses from noted local, national, and international law experts; as well as other shorter pieces relating to the Academy.

Database Tools and Features

1. Pamphlets

Each year, Law Academy students were assigned different cases representing the plaintiff or defendant, with Academy officers serving as judges in the disputes. View the Argument List pamphlets published from these assignments beginning in 1855.

screenshot of pamphlet in Law Academy Project

2. Editor’s Picks:

While browsing, users will notice gold stars, denoting the titles which editor Dr. Joel Fishman considers to be most important. These 20+ “Editor’s Picks” provide a detailed description of the publication and an analysis of its importance to the Law Academy’s history.

screenshot of Editor's Pick

3. Related Titles

The Editor has included various shorter pieces related to the Academy, covering topics such as the bench and bar of Philadelphia, history of the Pennsylvania judiciary, law schools, legal bibliography, and more.

For more information about this database, check out the Legal Classics LibGuide.

Table of Contents