The 1981 and 1988 editions of Indian Tribal Codes: A Microfiche Collection of Indian Tribal Law Codes are available in Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law. Edited by Ralph Johnson, Susan Lupton, and Richard Davies, and published by the Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library at the University of Washington School of Law, this impressive collection contains nearly 30,000 pages of tribal law.
- Indian Tribal Codes: A Microfiche Collection, 1981 edition.
Ralph W. Johnson, editor; Susan Lupton, associate editor. This edition contains 69 tribal codes and an excellent introduction to and analysis of tribal codes. - Indian Tribal Codes: A Microfiche Collection, 1988 edition.
Ralph W. Johnson, editor; Richard Davies, associate editor. This work contains 56 tribal codes and constitutions but is more extensive than the first edition. Introduction and analysis of tribal codes are provided, as well as indexes of specific subject codifications within individual codes. This edition updates, but does not replace, the 1981 edition.
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The two editions offer into the historical development of indigenous American tribal codes over time. Both editions include Tribal Constitutions and similar constitutional-type documents, and the updated 1988 edition also includes analyses of trends in coverage, enactments, and amendments of tribal codes since 1981.
About Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law
Since the American revolution, indigenous American law has evolved into a complex web of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and jurisprudence. This database includes:
- Legislative histories
- Congressional hearings
- CFR Title 25
- U.S. Code Title 25
- Constitutions, acts & by-laws
- Serials
- Books and pamphlets
- Bibliography
- Scholarly articles
- External resources