If you know an article’s title, you can quickly search by article title from the HeinOnline one-box search bar or from inside the Law Journal Library.
Search from the One-Box Search Bar
Enter the article title using the one-box search bar located anywhere in HeinOnline, selecting the “Title” dropdown option.

Search from Inside the Law Journal Library:
To search for an article by title from within the Law Journal Library, enter the database and use the Advanced Search tool which is located beneath the main search bar. Select the Article Title field from the dropdown and insert the name of the article in quotations. For example:

Search Tips:
- If you run a search for your article title and get no matches, try simplifying your search by using a smaller portion of the article title.
- If you still do not get any results, try picking keywords from the search string and put them into a proximity search.
- For example, “civil rights criminal offender”~15