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How do I search for an article by its title?

From the HeinOnline Welcome page

From the HeinOnline welcome page, users can search for an article using the one-box search. Simply choose the title option provided:

screenshot of one-box search for article by title

The search syntax will populate within the search bar.

screenshot of title search syntax

This search will bring users directly to the article, if it exists in HeinOnline.

screenshot of search results

From the Law Journal Library

Alternatively, user can search for an article using the Advanced Search option found under the main search bar in the Law Journal Library. For example, to search for the article titled Whose Eyes are You Going to Believe, enter the first few words of the title into the search bar and select Article Title from the drop-down:

screenshot of Advanced Search by article title in Law Journal Article

After clicking Search, HeinOnline will return one result.

screenshot of search results in Law Journal Library

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