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How do I search across a specific day in the Federal Register?

Users can search across a specific date in the Federal Register Library in two different ways.


For example, let’s search for the Federal Railroad Administration within the date of Tuesday, March 4, 1975. Begin by selecting the Advanced Search option underneath the one-box search within the database. Next, use the Full Text and Date field ptions as noted below.

image of how to search across a specific day in the Federal Register

This search will produce one result where users can see the date that was searched. Select Turn to page or All Matching Text Pages to see where the phrase Federal Railroad Administration can be located across this date within the Federal Register.

image of search results in HeinOnline


Users can also browse to this exact date..

image of Federal Register within HeinOnline

From the next page, find the year 1975.

image of volume listing within Federal Register

Then, choose the desired date.

date listing within the Federal Register

Now, using the magnifying glass, search This Section for “Federal Railroad Administration.”

image of magnifying glass search in HeinOnline

The results will include all matching text pages with that phrase. Select Turn to page to see where this phrase falls within March 4, 1975 of the Federal Register.

matching text pages in HeinOnline

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