When searching for a title number or name, part number or name, or even a section in the Code of Federal Regulations, you could get several hits in your search results because a title or part appears several times in multiple volumes across multiple years. Therefore, it is best to refine your search as best as you can, to target the results.
In the below examples, we will search for the section 160.204 in Title 33, Part 160 that displays the inclusion of Ammonium Nitrate in the Definitions. We know the final rule was in place during 2005, thus we’ll narrow our search to 2005.
Use the Advanced Search option
Begin by clicking the Advanced Search option link at the top of the main page.

Use the One-Box Search Bar
You can also search using the One-Box search bar the top of the main page. From here you would type: part:160 AND “ammonium nitrate” AND 160.204 and select the Just search for option.

Once you have your results, you can narrow down to the year 2005 using the date facets on the left side.