You can build a search with multiple terms in the U.S. Congressional Documents database.
Example: We want to search in the Congressional Record for the section of the transcript from the House Proceedings on April 30, 2003 in which Congressman Mr. Sessions spoke to the floor regarding the act entitled “Improving Education Results for Children with Disabilities Act of 2003,” introduced as bill H.R. 1350. We may also want to look up references to Rollcall votes no. 149 and/or 154 as is relevant to this bill.
Click on the Advanced Search option at the top of the main page.
Search in the Congressional Record Bound and Daily volumes for Mr. Sessions in full text, on April 30, 2003 in the House proceedings. Here’s how you would construct this field search:

Then, in the search results, you can use the facets on the left-hand side to narrow down the Titles to Congressional Record Bound and Daily volumes.