The Federal Rules of Evidence, published by the GPO, is available in the following databases in HeinOnline:
- Legal Classics
- U.S. Congressional Documents
- U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals
- Congress and the Courts
Coverage begins with inception in 1978 and is available through the current volume. Enter “Federal Rules of Evidence” into the one-box search bar and select the Catalog drop-down option.

Select the title (it’s the second search result) to view available volumes:

To find a specific rule, enter the appropriate volume and perform a search in the Rules section. For example, to find the 2019 version of Rule 802, enter the 2019 volume and click on the Federal Rules of Evidence section in the Table of Contents:

From there, click the magnifying glass icon located directly above the page image. Enter “Rule 802” in quotation marks and select This Section. Then, click Search:

Click the “Turn to page” link from the search result to access the page on which Rule 802 begins: