To create smarter, better, faster research, we have enhanced the ability to refine your search in HeinOnline. With enhanced faceting, users no longer have to wait for a page to re-load each time a facet is selected. Now, users can select multiple facets within seconds and refine their searches with ease.
What Has Changed?
With enhanced faceting, a few things have changed.
(1) Facets are no longer expandable/collapsible. Here is an example of how faceting used to appear:

This is how facets now appear:

(2) Clicking on any facet option will open up the selector tool.

(3) Users no longer have to wait for a page to re-load each time a facet is selected. Instead, users can select multiple facets at once. Any facet selected will appear towards the bottom of the tool. Here, you can easily clear a facet if needed.

Once you have applied all the desired facets, select the Apply button. From the results page, you can see all the selected facets located under the Sort by option. If needed, you can de-select any facet.

Alternatively, users can open up the faceting tool again to adjust search results. The faceting tool will display all facets that were originally selected.