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Does HeinOnline support Open URL resolvers such as SFX?

HeinOnline as OpenURL Link Source:
HeinOnline supports version 1.0 OpenURL standard.

HeinOnline creates OpenURL links for articles in Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) and for articles in embargoed journal volumes in the HeinOnline Law Journal Library.  We also create OpenURL links for scholarly articles in the following databases:

  • Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law
  • Gun Regulation and Legislation in America
  • LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Civil Rights and Social Justice

If you use an OpenURL application in your library and would like to activate OpenURL linking, you can submit your base URL to us by using the HeinOnline branding form.

HeinOnline as OpenURL Target:
We allow Open URL resolvers to use HeinOnline as a target.

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