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Conducting Comparative Research in Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

To do comparative research in Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) in HeinOnline, you can use a keyword search. For example, say we want to look for articles discussing comparative law as they relate to family. From the IFLP Metadata search option, select Keywords (All fields) from the drop-down and insert “comparative law.” Then use the Boolean operator AND to add a second search term to the query. From the second drop-down, select Keywords (All Fields) again and then insert family into the search box, as shown in the picture below.

screenshot of metadata search in Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Now, we want to narrow our results to retrieve the most recent articles.  If we look at the facets to the left of our results, we’ll notice the date facet which indicates there are 32 articles from 2016 to date.

screenshot of search results in IFLP


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