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Bibliography of American Law School Casebooks

In 1871, at Harvard Law School, Christopher Columbus Langdell introduced what would come to be known as the “case method” of legal instruction. For more than 133 years, the case method has continued to spread and evolve, and today, some form of it is used in every law school in the United States, with casebooks remaining the primary vehicle of legal education.

Although much has been written on the analysis of the case method and the evolution of the content of casebooks, until the publication of Douglas W. Lind’s Bibliography of American Law School Casebooks, 1870-2004, no attempt had been made to identify all of the law school casebooks produced in the United States. This HeinOnline database is derived from the first and second editions of Lind’s Bibliography and presents as comprehensive as possible a list of those casebooks intended for use in law schools and published in the United States from their inception in 1871.

Table of Contents